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The agricultural areas of Argentina ushered in a cold spell.CardspokerIt is expected to alleviate the pest problem] May 3CardspokerAccording to foreign media reports, the weekly weather report released by the Buenos Aires Grain Exchange recently predicted that temperatures in Argentina's agricultural areas will drop to near freezing points in the next few days, which is expected to reduce the threat of leafhoppers and other pests to corn crops. As the world's third largest corn exporter, Argentina's leafhopper pest problem is so serious that the Buenos Aires Grain Exchange has lowered its corn production forecast for this year to 4. 4% from its previous forecast.Cardspoker, 6.5 million tons. According to the analysis of the exchange, leafhoppers are more active when the temperature is higher than 4 degrees Celsius, while low temperatures will reduce their viability. In addition, the report also pointed out that the Pampas Plain, the main agricultural region of Argentina and southwestern Uruguay, the lowest temperature in the coming week will be between 0 and 5 degrees Celsius, there is a risk of local frost. At the same time, Santa Fe and Colorado provinces, as important agricultural areas, have been seriously affected by the spread of leafhopper pests, and a low temperature of about zero is expected to slow its spread and provide valuable respite for local farmers.
