
Well-known fund manager Fan Yan went to exposure. According to a reporter from the Shanghai Stock Exchange News, Fan Yan has recently joined Wells Fargo Fund.

Since last year, a number of small and medium-sized fund companiesLevvvelcoinmasterfreeThe top fund manager moved to the head company. How to retain core talents has become a difficult problem for small and medium-sized fund companies.

Fan Yan joins Wells Fargo Fund

The trend of Fan Yan, a well-known fund manager, has attracted much attention from the market. As early as early March this year, the market heard the news that she would leave office. On April 3, Yuanxin Yongfeng Fund announced that Fan Yan, the company's deputy general manager and chief investment officer, left on April 1 for personal reasons and would not transfer to other jobs in the company.

Now, Fan Yan's new owner, who waved goodbye to Yuanxin Yongfeng Fund, has settled down. It is understood that Fan Yan has joined Wells Fargo Fund.

Judging from Fan Yan's past resume, she has served as an assistant strategy analyst at Societe Generale Securities Research Center, a senior strategy analyst at Anxin Securities Research Center, and a strategy researcher at ICBC Credit Suisse Fund. In 2014, Yuanxin Yongfeng Fund was established, when Fan Yan joined Yuanxin Yongfeng Fund, and since then she has been promoted to Deputy General Manager and Chief Investment Officer of the company with excellent long-term performance.


Take Fan Yan's Yuanxin Yongfeng Youjia Life, which has been managed for the longest time, as an example. Since Fan Yan began to manage on October 28, 2015, as of April 3 this year, the return of her tenure has reached 188.Levvvelcoinmasterfree.84%.

Fan Yan's investment style is famous for being balanced and steady. According to the research report of Shanghai Securities Fund Evaluation Research Center, from the perspective of stock selection, Fan Yan mainly judges the changes of economic supply and demand and liquidity from the perspective of macro environment and data. Then combined with the feedback of information in various industries, such as the prosperity analysis of the industry, the prosperity of the company and the information of financial data at the company level, under the overall macro background, through the cross-verification of these three dimensions of information.

In terms of individual stock selection, Fan Yan pays attention to the company's "excellent management ability" and "reasonable valuation level".

From the perspective of investment style, Fan Yan's investment style is more balanced, growing in value, and doing style rotation among industries according to macro data. Its investment allocation is relatively scattered, through balanced allocation to disperse investment risk, investment strategy takes into account both fund income and risk control.

Fan Yan's latest operation can be seen from Yuanxin Yongfeng Youjia Life Fund's quarterly report in 2024. In the first quarter of this year, the fund increased the allocation of household appliances, food and beverage, coal, real estate, new energy and other industries, and reduced its holdings in some public utilities and power grid investment sectors.

According to the relevant regulations, a fund manager who moves to another public fund company as a fund manager usually needs a quiet period of six months.

Fund manager "people go up high"

It is worth noting that in the past few years, many "head" fund managers of small and medium-sized fund companies have joined the head company.

For example, in June 2023, Bai Bingyang joined the Wells Fargo Fund. In the volatile market in 2022, Bai Bingyang managed a selected return of 13.08% on the value of BOC securities, with outstanding performance, which attracted market attention.

In addition, Feng Hanjie, who left the China Canada Fund, joined the Guangfa Fund; he Yiguang, who left the Great Wall Fund, joined the Xingsheng Global Fund; Cai Yubin, who left the Nuoan Fund, joined the China Merchants Fund; Chen Jinwei and Zhang Zhongwei, who left the Baoying Fund, joined the Penghua Fund and Jingshun Great Wall Fund, respectively; and Peng Wei, who left the financing Fund, joined the China Europe Fund.

In March this year, the CSRC issued the opinions on strengthening the Supervision of Securities companies and Public offering funds and accelerating the Construction of first-class Investment Banks and Investment institutions (for trial implementation). Improve the evaluation index system of investment and research ability, abandon the phenomenon of star fund managers, and strengthen the construction of "platform, team system, integration, multi-strategy" investment and research system.

From the perspective of the industry, more and more head fund companies actively recruit external talents, strengthen the investment research strategy, and the investment research team is more diverse. On the strong investment and research platform of the head company, it can better empower fund managers.

For small and medium-sized fund companies, how to retain core talents has become a difficult problem that has to be solved.

Industry insiders said that for fund companies, research talent is the most important asset. "in addition to a more perfect talent incentive mechanism, head fund companies are often more abundant in research resources, which can provide greater support to fund managers." The above industry insiders suggest that fund companies need to establish an effective and reasonable incentive and restraint mechanism. At the same time, it is necessary to create a good corporate culture, so that fund managers have more room for development and help fund managers grow.

(article source: Shanghai Securities News)

(original title: well-known fund manager, where to go)

(responsible Editor: 126)