cryptogamesdownload| Beijing Housing and Construction Commission: It plans to supply about 6 million square meters of commercial housing this year

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Source: Beijing Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban and Rural Construction

Circular of the Beijing Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-Rural Construction on issuing the Annual Plan of Beijing Housing Development 2024

Beijing Jianfa (2024) 162,

All relevant units:

In accordance with the requirements of the Circular on Housing Development Planning and Annual Planning of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (Building letter (2024) No. 20)CryptogamesdownloadThe Municipal Housing Urban and Rural Construction Committee organized and compiled the Annual Plan of Beijing Housing Development in 2024.CryptogamesdownloadWith the consent of the municipal party committee and municipal government, it is now issued to you, asking all units to earnestly implement their principal responsibilities, conscientiously organize and implement them, and spare no effort to promote the completion of various plans and tasks, so as to better meet the rigid housing needs and diversified improvement housing needs of residents, and promote residents to have a place to live, livable and secure.

I hereby inform you.

Beijing Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban and Rural Construction

May 11, 2024

Annual Plan of Beijing Housing Development in 2024

In order to implement the spirit of the Central Economic work Conference and the National two sessions, we should always implement the orientation of "houses are for living, not for speculation", and speed up the construction of a housing system with multi-body supply, multi-channel security and simultaneous rent and purchase. we will fully implement the overall urban plan, better meet the residents' demand for rigid housing and diversified and improved housing, and promote the masses to live, livable and secure. Formulate this plan according to the reality of this city.

First, provide land for housing in a steady and orderly manner. To keep the total supply of land for housing stable, it is planned to allocate 1060 hectares of land for all kinds of housing this year. We will strengthen the guidance of planning, deepen the layout of the spatial structure, tilt the land supply to key functional areas, the periphery of rail stations, and the southern region, so as to promote the balance of employment and housing, the integration of production and cities, and the suitability for living and industry. Among them, it is planned to arrange 300 hectares of commercial housing land supply and 300 hectares of storage, insist on setting supply according to demand, and ensure a balanced structure and stable rhythm of land supply and improve the efficiency of land supply through the mechanism of "linkage of premises and one place, one policy". It is planned to arrange 460 hectares of land for indemnificatory housing, including 200 hectares of land for rent and allotment, actively guide the layout of land for indemnificatory housing to key functional areas and around track stations, clarify the list of plots, and speed up the progress of land supply. we will strongly support the construction and supply of indemnificatory housing.

cryptogamesdownload| Beijing Housing and Construction Commission: It plans to supply about 6 million square meters of commercial housing this year

Second, continue to build and raise indemnificatory housing. We should pay close attention to the requirements of the "seven have" and the "five natures" of the citizens, strengthen the family security for the filing of public rental housing, and steadily increase the family security rate for the filing of public rental housing. Families with minimum living allowances, low income, severely disabled and seriously ill families filed before the end of 2023 shall be fully protected according to the application. We will study and issue household access and exit standards for public rental housing, and gradually improve the mechanism construction of the supervision and management system in the later stage. We will further improve the security of public rental housing and guide families to solve housing difficulties by receiving market rental subsidies. We will vigorously develop indemnificatory rental housing, give full play to the role of the market mechanism, implement policy support such as land, finance, taxation, and finance, and guide social subjects to invest in the construction of indemnificatory rental housing. Consolidate the main responsibility of each district, take new construction, reconstruction, transformation and other ways to increase the supply of indemnificatory rental housing. We will strengthen the product design of indemnificatory rental housing and build a multi-level supply pattern of indemnificatory rental housing of residential, apartment and dormitory types. Give full play to the role of expert evaluation mechanism and strengthen guidance on the planning and layout of indemnificatory rental housing projects and household design. This year, we plan to build and raise 70,000 units of indemnificatory rental housing and complete 80,000 units of indemnificatory housing of various types. We will actively promote the landing of the policy on planning and construction of affordable housing.

Third, better meet the reasonable housing demand. This year, it is planned to supply about 6 million square meters of commercial housing. We will optimize the business environment, strengthen service management, and ensure the smooth and orderly construction and listing of commercial housing projects. In accordance with the "one district, one plan", we will carry out special actions to improve the municipal infrastructure and public services around the projects for sale. All districts formulate plans for supporting public services and municipal infrastructure around new land supply projects, which are built synchronously with commercial housing and handed over in a timely manner. We will establish a full-process and omni-directional information disclosure system for housing projects and promote the transformation of housing sales management from examination and approval supervision to information services. Strengthen the implementation of policies according to the district, one district and one policy, and optimize real estate policies to better meet the multi-level and diversified housing needs of "one old and one small" families, balance of work and housing, and so on. In view of the outstanding problems such as the concentrated false propaganda and contract overlord terms reflected by the "12345" citizen hotline, we should carry out the improvement of market order, strengthen joint law enforcement, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the masses.

Fourth, standardize the development of the housing rental market. We will fully implement the Beijing regulations on Housing Leasing, improve the housing rental policy system, implement policies such as deposit trusteeship and rent supervision for housing leasing, and standardize individual subleases, so as to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the tenants. Pay close attention to the rental demand of new citizens, young people and migrant workers, increase the supply of indemnificatory rental housing of apartment type and dormitory type, at the same time support the standardized development of long-term rental apartment industry, and increase the supply of market-oriented rental housing of "one bed, one room". Guide the operation units of indemnificatory rental housing and long-term rental apartments, improve the level of operation and management, create a brand community, and establish a map of indemnificatory rental housing projects to facilitate people's access to housing information. Organize and carry out the annual "rework season", "graduation season" and "benefit people rent" theme activities, so that the masses "rent", "rent steadily" and "rent warm". We will continue to rectify and standardize the housing rental market, strengthen subject filing, contract filing and capital supervision, increase law enforcement inspection and warning exposure for violations of laws and regulations, and continue to create "non-group rental communities."

Fifth, continue to prevent and defuse real estate risks. Further consolidate the main responsibility of the enterprise, speed up the clearance of inventory project risks, and achieve full delivery. Continue to carry out pre-sale project construction, sales, capital operation, social public opinion and other information monitoring, timely disposal of problems, and strictly prevent the increase of risks. Revise and implement the supervision policy of pre-sale funds to ensure the safe use of pre-sale funds and the normal construction of the project. Continue to promote the sale of existing houses. We will constantly improve the real estate financing coordination mechanism, make good use of real estate project financing to support the "whitelist", and support the reasonable financing needs of real estate enterprises of different ownership equally in accordance with the principles of marketization and the rule of law.

Sixth, increase the supply of high-quality housing. Summarize and promote the city's experience and practices in green building action, prefabricated buildings, fully decorated finished products, delivery of model rooms, etc., expand the pilot project for the construction of high-quality housing, and support architects to carefully design all-age friendly housing and residential areas. Enterprises are encouraged to develop good products, good materials and good equipment, and work together to build high-quality housing needed by the masses. We will carry out a survey on the living quality of indemnificatory housing, refine the basic elements and key indicators of "good houses", and study and formulate opinions on the implementation of the construction of "good houses" of indemnificatory housing and guidelines for the construction of affordable housing. We will standardize the sales of commercial housing and urge real estate enterprises to provide products and services that match the quality and price. We will strengthen the quality management of housing projects, continue to deal with the frequent problems of housing quality, and further implement the system of pre-inspection rooms and household acceptance of newly-built houses. from the source to carry out the treatment of wall leakage, poor sound insulation, floor empty drum, wall skin falling off, mismatch boards and other common quality problems, so that the masses feel at ease to move in.

Seventh, promote the renovation of old residential areas and the reconstruction of dilapidated buildings. According to the end of the 14th five-year Plan period, we will strive to basically complete the transformation task of the city's old residential areas, and make every effort to promote the completion of the transformation task of this year. 1000 new elevators have been built and completed in old buildings. We will not only do our best but also act according to our capacity, focus on implementing basic transformation, actively promote improvement, coordinate upgrading, actively and orderly promote the transformation of old residential areas, and realize the transformation of old residential areas with new models, new mechanisms, and new features. Strengthen the leadership of party building, guide pluralistic co-governance, strengthen community governance, establish and improve the long-term management mechanism of the community at the same time, and strive to create a clean, harmonious and livable happy home. Continue to improve the "Jiatai Map" and strive to create a better service platform. Start the reconstruction of dilapidated buildings (simple buildings retreat) 200000 square meters, and constantly expand the coverage of the policy on the reconstruction of dilapidated buildings.

Eighth, pay attention to the "key little things" of property management. We will consolidate the foundation of property management such as intelligent property, production safety and personnel training, deepen the reform of specialized funds, industry norms and comprehensive supervision, and launch "four 100" brands that can be seen and felt by the people. build 100 property service demonstration projects to the satisfaction of the masses, select 100 demonstration enterprises with strong comprehensive service capacity, and launch 100 standardized owners' committees (property management committees) benchmarking The 100 "most beautiful property owners" were selected. Do a good job in the work of receiving complaints, further promote the solution of painful points and difficult problems in property management around the work arrangement of "one question per month", carry out rolling management of outstanding problems in property management in the top 100 residential areas on a quarterly basis, improve and improve the dynamic adjustment mechanism of "governance" residential areas, and encourage territories to carry out active governance. We will support innovative pilot projects in all districts and streets (townships) according to local conditions, and strive to create a capital benchmarking and national demonstration of property management. We will give full play to the role of industry party committees and industry associations, and party building will lead the high-quality development of the industry.