cryptopetgameaxieinfinity| Registered capital of 344 billion yuan! The four major state-owned banks invested 25%, and the third phase of the National Fund was established

according to tianyan appcryptopetgameaxieinfinityRecently, the National Integrated Circuit Industry Investment Fund Phase III Co., Ltd.(referred to as the "National Fund Phase III") was established with the legal representative of Zhang Xin and a registered capital of 344 billion yuan.

The third phase of business scope of the National Fund includes private equity investment fund management and venture capital fund management services. Private equity funds are used to engage in equity investment, investment management, asset management and other activities, and corporate management consulting. Shareholder information shows that the company is composed of the Ministry of Finance, China Development Financial Co., Ltd., Shanghai Guosheng (Group) Co., Ltd., Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Co., Ltd., China Construction Bank Co., Ltd., Agricultural Bank of China Co., Ltd., and Bank of China Co., Ltd. The company and other 19 shareholders jointly hold shares.

On May 27, after the news of the establishment of the third phase of the National Fund spread in the capital market, the concept of photoresist changed significantly. After the close of trading in early trading, Polidi rose by more than 17%, Rongda Photosensitivity rose by more than 10%, and Sail New Materials, Nanda Optoelectronics, Qiangqiang New Materials, etc. followed suit.

It is understood that the National Integrated Circuit Industry Investment Fund Phase II Co., Ltd. was established on October 22, 2019, with a legal representative of Zhang Xin and a registered capital of 2,041cryptopetgameaxieinfinity.500 million yuan. Shareholder information shows that the company is composed of 27 shareholders including the Ministry of Finance, Guokai Financial Co., Ltd., Chengdu Tianfu Guoji Investment Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Fuzhe Integrated Circuit Industry Development Co., Ltd., China National Tobacco Corporation, and Wuhan Optics Valley Financial Holding Group Co., Ltd. Shareholders jointly hold shares.

The National Integrated Circuit Industry Investment Fund Co., Ltd. was established on September 26, 2014. The legal representative is Zhang Xin and the registered capital is RMB 98.72 billion. Shareholder information shows that the company is jointly held by 16 shareholders including the Ministry of Finance, China Development Financial Co., Ltd., China National Tobacco Corporation, Beijing Yizhuang International Investment and Development Co., Ltd., and China Mobile Communications Group Co., Ltd.