burninrubbercrashandburn| How to remove the blue bird back seat?

During car maintenance and modificationburninrubbercrashandburnRemoving the rear seat of a vehicle is a common problemburninrubbercrashandburnneeds. For owners of Nissan Bluebird models, knowing how to properly remove the rear seat will not only help them clean, repair or modify the interior, but also ensure safe operation. Here are the detailed steps on how to remove the rear seat of the Nissan Bluebird.


Before starting disassembly, ensure that the vehicle is in a safe condition, that is, the vehicle is stalled, the handbrake is tightened, and the vehicle is on flat ground. Also, prepare a suitable set of tools, such as a screwdriver and wrench, to use during the disassembly process.

removal procedure

1burninrubbercrashandburn. Remove the rear seat headrest: First, find the release button for the rear seat headrest, which is usually located on either side or top of the headrest. Press the button while pulling the headrest upward until it is completely removed.

2burninrubbercrashandburn. Loosen the rear seat backrest: There are usually fixing screws or snaps on the bottom of the rear seat backrest. Use the appropriate tool to loosen these anchors, and then gently tilt the backrest forward to separate it from the seat bottom.

3. Remove the seat bottom: The seat bottom is usually fixed to the body with screws or snaps. Find these fixing points and use a tool to loosen them one by one. After all fixtures have been loosened, the seat bottom can be carefully removed from the vehicle.


During the disassembly process, be careful not to use excessive force to avoid damaging the seat or body components. Also, ensure that all fixtures are correctly marked and stored during removal so that they can be properly positioned during reinstallation.


When reinstalling the rear seat after cleaning, maintenance or modification is completed, follow the reverse order of disassembly. Ensure that all fixtures are installed correctly and that the seat is securely secured to the body.

Through the above steps, Nissan Bluebird owners can effectively remove and reinstall the rear seat, whether for daily maintenance or personalized modifications. Correct operation not only protects the vehicle structure, but also ensures safe operation.

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